Drawing THE Line

Drawing THE Line

Are you READY? You’re right, sometimes, it seems like… life doesn’t CARE if you’re ready, does it? It’s pretty cool though, normally, things work out pretty good, don’t they? It’s the end of 2017. A LOT of people I know are in...
How Are Your Instagram Filters Affecting Your Reality?

How Are Your Instagram Filters Affecting Your Reality?

Are Your Social Media Filters Distorting Your Perception of Reality? Picture this: you’re scrolling through your social media feed, and you come across a photo of your friend on a luxurious vacation. They’re lounging on a white sandy beach, sipping on a...
“I’m Down!! What Do I Do NOW?”

“I’m Down!! What Do I Do NOW?”

Let’s not sugar coat this… I’m down right now. And sometimes, you are too, right? THE question is: WHAT DO WE DO ABOUT IT? What is it about that 10% that never seems to ‘get down’? What are they doing differently than us, the 90%? What’s the...
Perspective, and Your Switch

Perspective, and Your Switch

Today’s video is pretty COOL!!! WHY? It captures a key moment in a man’s day very clearly. A moment we must learn to master, and the sooner we master it, the better we master it, the better off you will be. Awareness that you are existing in these moments...
They Don’t Teach You HOW…

They Don’t Teach You HOW…

(video below – In this video, Byron Davis says this: “The problem is no one ever teaches us how to master ourselves, how to master our beliefs, and our behaviors, and our attitudes and our actions. And know how to line… those things up, to meet and direct us...