No Fear!! Viable Mindset?

No Fear!! Viable Mindset?

This post will help you if you are part of what I have labeled ‘The 90%’. Are you someone that constantly wonders WHY ‘they’ are able to just kill it, and you feel like you’re doing the same things – but not killing it? How did...
Would Your 18 Year Old Self Be Disappointed

Would Your 18 Year Old Self Be Disappointed

This video goes back and forth for me… There’s always at least 2 perspectives on everything, right? There’s speakers saying “You have limited time…” And “You have plenty of time…” in this video. And that’s...
What Are YOU Looking At?

What Are YOU Looking At?

This is a VERY important question, no matter what area of life we’re discussing! -relationships, work, kids, finances, health… it doesn’t matter. “what are you looking at?” Today’s video seriously got me MOVING! Watch all these...
Jim Carrey’s Words Of Wisdom

Jim Carrey’s Words Of Wisdom

Every time I think about Jim Carrey, I flashback to when I was a ‘kid’… Remember him on that skit show? ‘In Living Color’ was the name of it, and back before ‘on-demand’ and ‘the internet’ we planned when we...
Why Would You  Do THAT?

Why Would You Do THAT?

How many people have asked you that, or given you that look? Why would you take that risk? Why would you go there, with those people? Why are you spending all that money, taking all that time away? What’s wrong with you? Why can’t you be satisfied with...