This is a VERY important question, no matter what area of life we’re discussing! -relationships, work, kids, finances, health… it doesn’t matter. “what are you looking at?”

Today’s video seriously got me MOVING! Watch all these athlete’s eyes – What are THEY looking at? Where are they looking?


– where they WANT to be in EVERY case!

Long story short – what you focus upon is where your energy and enthusiasm flows! So choose wisely please! If you find yourself caught up in the gun control debate, or if you’re all up in arms about either of the elections… Is that REALLY where you want your energy to flow? (if it is – cool for you!)

I know I’ve spent decades with my energy scattered ALL over the place!! And that is exactly what has prevented me from attaining the true, deep desires I’ve had inside for my whole life.

Well – I want those things! I’m now spending time every day THINKING about those things, focused on those things, coming up with ways to get those things…

It doesn’t matter what my ‘things’ are – what matters is what YOUR things are! Seriously ask yourself this question: What do I want????? and WHY??? By asking yourself that over and over, eventually, you’ll dust off that long buried desire. When the cobwebs are cleaned off, and you’ve wiped off the muck from the years of disregard – THAT THING you want really isn’t sooooo unattainable! As a matter of fact, in today’s world, there really isn’t that many things that are not attainable!

How do you get it?

  1. GET HELP. NO ONE does it alone! Seriously. Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Michael Jordan – pick ANY ‘successful’ person and there are a few truths they all share!

-you can’t do it alone, they all have someone to thank for helping them

-commit to a plan and a system or a process…

-and- FOCUS!!! FOCUS on your goals like there is nothing else on the planet!

Sooo… here’s a couple really good questions, great exercise for you to do right now:

  1. What are you FOCUSED upon as your next goal?
  2. What distracts you from that goal?
  3. What can you do to enhance your focus, grow your desire, increase your attention on what you want?

Right now, you can investigate the Belief Circles and Targets training I offer to learn more about how to design your day and tactics surrounding goal setting to enhance your abilities to GET what you want!

Here’s a description of this amazing training: LINK  —-BUT DON’T ‘buy now’!

You (and I) would probably rather know it’s right for you, before you go, right? Let’s get together and get to know you and your current situation before you just ‘jump in’ to this class.

That way we make sure it’s what you need, want, and it will move the needle for you! Apply here to qualify for a strategy session with me to make sure before you  jump into this class:  (these are no longer ‘free’ actually, so if you are clicking here – please annotate in the form that you saw it on the “what are you looking at post”. Otherwise, I may send you an invoice. thanks!)

Sincerely hope you enjoyed today’s video too! Now – go ROCK the world!