Quick question for you –

How old are you???

How many DECADES have you been living a life where you ‘go to work’ and ‘have a job’?



next question –

When you picture your brain  –  what do you see?

That ‘mashed potatoes’ image – right?


The Brain...


Now, zoom in… realllll far – what do you see?

synapses – right? Tiny little spaces where connections are made -where your brain builds neural pathways to ‘remember’ something….

Now, let’s put those two questions together –

You have BAZILLIONS of synapses all connected and all ‘aligned’ in one direction… So many, so strong, so so ‘entrenched’… Entrenched because your brain is the world’s best efficiency machine. The brain uses a LOT of your body’s available energy – a LOT!!!!

So it get’s as ‘efficient’ as it can! How specifically you ask?

Well, your brain builds patterns so that it doesn’t have to create NEW pathways for every experience you encounter. Think about brushing your teeth – can you even remember actually ‘doing it’ this morning?

What does that mean in regards to that whole ‘job’ thing?

Those entrenched, long standing synapses.. I see those as cross country railroad tracks!  

cross country TRACKS!

Can you see these train tracks that have been criss-crossing our country for over a century now? Those things, those efficient patterns of transport are so ’embedded’ in our country’s landscape that interstates, airports, cities – everything is built up around and to support those ‘tracks’ – right?

The SAME thing is going on in your mind!

So, whenever you get ‘tickled’ a little bit by a new idea, a new business opportunity, a promotion or even a new job – there’s a brief moment of excitement, then there’s a LOT of resistance typically. That resistance can take a LOT of different ‘forms’: procrastination, perfectionism, bad habits, distraction, too  many choices, -literally an infinite amount of things can pop up from your subconscious – ‘laundry’, ‘washing the car’, all are things that ‘need to be done’ maybe… heck, even important stuff – paying the bills, taking the partner on a date, painting the house…


Why is your brain SO GOOD at motivating you to not take a chance? Not ‘stepping out’ and doing something new? Or worse – if you’ve DECIDED to do something new and different, but you’re struggling. WHY? You’re committed – right? You left your job, you started that blog, you started that podcast… but ugh! Taking action is sometimes impossible!


Well, you’re literally UPROOTING DECADES old train tracks and rearranging them…

That causes literal pain -physical, real – PAIN.

Add to that, the reality of how our brains evolved to be ‘safe’ – which, basically just means NOT CHANGING the patterns…

You face a serious challenge!

Here’s your chance to learn the five things that ALL people that develop the ability to be happy with change will master.

This 5 part framework – which I’m sharing with you for free – comes from MY decades of struggle and study. As you will learn in the first video, I’ve got a bit of experience in learning and mastering things like this, typically for the sole reason of helping people like you WIN!


Look forward to seeing you ‘on the other side’!
