I stopped watching this at a minute in and started typing this- THAT is how impacting the first minute is!

This is one of those speeches or quotes that has seriously started resonating.

The question is – can you  PUT IT INTO PRACTICE?!?!?!! How do you actually put this into practice?


Connecting the dots looking back versus TRUSTING that right now, today, those dots are being placed there, right in front of you.


YOU are creating your future right now! You are placing a dot right in line with yesterday’s and tomorrow’s – right?

2 things about this:

  1. Choose wisely where you invest your time and energy

Deciding what habits, what practices, what meetings, what efforts to direct your energy toward is very important. TV or a book? Stretch or sit on the couch? Another half hour of working on that blog post, or a half hour reflecting on all the great things that happened today?

Tiny decisions that determine what dots are available for you tomorrow!

But, no matter what, we’re learning more and more about how this whole manifesting the life you want thing is based in scientific reality – right? Like ‘The Secret’, and all the mental books describing how to think in order to attain… They are all basically being proven true with the latest scientific instruments that are being applied to our brains…

Point is – BE HAPPY! Whether you are choosing to sit on the couch, eat chips and watch TV or get up and hit the gym – BE HAPPY!

You made a decision! You decided to be in that moment with your favorite show and some yummy chips because you’re just too pooped to get off the sofa. OK! Recognize that may not be the best decision you could have made, but in that moment, be HAPPY and ENJOY what you chose to do!

That’s the energy, the mood, the vibration you want out there! ENJOY it! Maybe ask: “What can I do differently tomorrow to get to the gym and not end up here?” Make a plan. Make the decision before your decision fatigue sets in… and try to stick with your plan tomorrow – but right now, do NOT let your subconscious have that anchor! That negative feeling. NO!

ENJOY every moment you’re breathing.

That is the trick!

Remember – live enthused, enabled and empowered! LIVE ENTHUSIASTICLAY!


Ps. Oh man! After typing this blog post, I went back and watched the rest of the video! You’re welcome! Ashley is GOOD! Loved this video!